Centre directors
- Ingrid Maria Hanken (2014-2015)
- Jon Helge Sætre (2016-2021)
- Ellen M. Stabell (2021-2023)
- Deputy director: Ingfrid Breie Nyhus (2018-2023)
Student partners
- Guro Utne Salvesen and Guoste Tamulynaite (2018-2020)
- Susanna Solsrud and Ole Martin Solberg (2020-2022)
- Fride Nøstdahl Hjelle and Sigmund Scheldrum Toppe (2022-2023)
- Aslaug Louise Slette (2014-2018)
- Ellen Mikalsen Stabell (2017-2021)
- Ane Hagness Kiran (2020-2023)
- Therese Aune (2021-2023)
- Sigrun Sæbø Åland (2022-2023).
Ph.D research fellows and post.docs
- Veronica Ski-Berg (2023). Pressures to Change. Institutional Politics in Higher Music Education.
- Damla Tahirbegi (ongoing). Examining the Role of Socially Shared Regulation of Learning and Emotions in a Chamber Music Rehearsal.
- Torbjørn Eftestøl (2023). A Differential Play of Forces. Transcendental Empiricism and Music.
- Tanja Orning (post.doc). På vei mot en ny utøverrolle.
International conferences
- The Protean Musician (2017)
- LATIMPE platform - Becoming Musicians. Student Involvement and Teacher Collaboration in Higher Music Education (2018)
- LATIMPE Platform – Students as Researching Artists. Music Technology and Musicianship. (2020)
- Musicians and performing artists’ health and performance MHPC22 (2022).
- Connection, collaboration and co-creation. Ways Forward for Higher Music Education (2023)
National and Scandinavian Seminars
- In Sync? Music teaching and learning in higher music education (2016) – University of Agder
- Entrepreneurship in Music – Between Artistic Autonomy and Economic Reality (2017) – Oslo
- New Learning Strategies in Higher Music Education [Nye læringsstrategier i høyere musikkutdanning] (2017) – Griegakademiet v/ Universitetet i Bergen
- Connections – Seminar about Interdisciplinary Interaction in Music [Forbindelser – seminar om musikkfaglig interaksjon] (2019) – Universitetet i Stavanger
- Artistic Research And Higher Music Education [Kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid og høyere musikkutdanning] (2020) - UiT Norges arktiske universitet (digitalt)
- Contemporary music education [Samtidens musikkutdanning] (2022) – NTNU (digitalt)
Student-led conferences
- Musician and the Psyche [Musikeren og Psyken] 2020.
- The Music Student Conference 2020 – What is Success?
- The Music Student Conference 2022 – What the f... do we do now?
- The Music Student Conference 2023 – Who decides?
CEMPE Talks and STUDENT Talks
CEMPE Talks was a discussion forum, a dedicated space for exploring current topics in music education, cultural life and society. STUDENT Talks was established as a separate discussion forum for students at the Norwegian Academy of Music, led by the student partners in CEMPE.
Since 2019 CEMPE arranged 12 CEMPE Talks and 17 STUDENT Talks.
- 150 paper presentations at national and international conferences
- 70 articles published - many of them in peer-reviewed journals
- 3 publications on projects in the first period, documenting staff and students' experiences:
- 1 anthology: Becoming musicians. Student involvement and teacher collaboration in higher music education (2019). Anthology edited by Stefan Gies and Jon Helge Sætre
- 2 special issues: Journal of Music, Technology & Education, Volume 13, Issue 2-3. Special issue on digital tools in higher music education. Edited by Jon Helge Sætre and Luc Nijs.
- 4 Magazines