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Becoming musicians. LATIMPE Conference 2018

Tekstplakat Becoming musicians

Student involvement and teacher collaboration in higher music education LATIMPE 2018

In 2018, LATIMPE - Platform for Learning And Teaching In Music Performance Education was established, a collaboration between CEMPE and AEC to stimulate the development of learning and teaching in higher music education. In October 2018, the conference Becoming musicians - student involvement and teacher collaboration in higher music education took place.

The conference was described as follows:

"Student involvement has been a central theme in higher music education in recent years. Many argue that students themselves should be the central agent in their learning process. Many believe that teachers and higher education institutions should work to empower students and involve them more actively. Student-oriented, student-active or student-centred learning have become common terms.
At the same time, teacher collaboration is emerging as an important issue in higher music education. In many cases, teacher collaboration and student involvement are also linked. But what do these terms mean? What does 'student-centred' practice look like, and what do teachers collaborate on? What are the benefits of involving students more actively and increasing teacher collaboration? What do student involvement and teacher collaboration mean in learning contexts ranging from one-to-one teaching to interdisciplinary or cross-institutional practices?

These were some of the questions the conference aimed to address. The conference brought together more than 120 educators, students, researchers and managers from 44 different institutions worldwide and included lectures by internationally recognised professionals, as well as parallel sessions with presentations, workshops and panel discussions.

In the first keynote, Beyond policy: Conceptualising student-centred learning environments in higher (music) education, Monika Nerland drew on previous research in higher education
to conceptualise and discuss different ways of interpreting notions of student-centred learning environments, learner-centred teaching and student engagement. She also discussed what student involvement might mean in the context of music performance education and what forms of teacher collaboration can be conducive to student learning in this context.

In the second talk Lars Brinck presented research-based experiences concerning learning in collaborative, creative processes, while Susanne van Els summed up her vast experience as a performer and teacher in higher music education under the heading How(not) to teach.