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Norges musikkhøgskole Søk

Beyond Policy – Conceptualising Student-Centred Learning Environments in Higher (Music) Education

While student-centred learning environments are placed high on the policy agenda for how educational practices can be developed, it is less clear what this term actually means and what implications it may have for teaching and learning. In her article, Monika Nerland discusses how student-centred learning environments in higher education can be interpreted and conceptualized, providing examples from recent research on how such environments are organised and experienced by teachers and students in different Norwegian higher education contexts. The article is based on a keynote given by Nerland at the AEC-CEMPE conference Becoming Musicians—Student Involvement and Teacher Collaboration in Higher Music Education in Oslo in October 2018.

Neste Beyond Policy – Conceptualising Student-Centred Learning Environments in Higher (Music) Education