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Class environment

I think we have succeeded in creating a good environment, something which is reflected in the students’ feedback. Most of them write in their diaries that the atmosphere in the group lessons felt open and safe. In the interviews they also say that the group lessons have resulted in more co-operation with each other outside the lessons:

«We can knock on each other’s door and say ‘hi, have you got five minutes to listen to me?’ So we’re quite close to each other as a class. I think the group lessons have done much to encourage this, and that’s something I’ve really appreciated.»

Another student says:

«It’s been really useful to get an insight into what other students think about their playing and whether I can learn from that. I wouldn’t have had that opportunity if I’d only had lessons with my teacher. I’ve had good one-to-one lessons with my fellow students, and we have warmed up together. That has been very, very valuable; like a lesson with a professional teacher.»

The students have also been working in groups without the teacher present. One of the students said the following in their interview:

Student: «We overran, and Julius had to leave. The rest of us stayed, and things became much more interactive. One girl picked up her horn, and we started playing together. I was working on my fortissimo, and we had a fortissimo competition. We didn’t give each other feedback, but the students came up to me and showed me instead. It worked really well; it was really interactive. It wasn’t just four people sitting in the sofa and one up front. The others also had their horns and showed me how they did it. It was a magical lesson.»

Ingrid: «Was it more like a workshop?»

Student: «Yes, we had a workshop together. It was the most interactive group lesson. It wasn’t the usual feeling-sleepy-sitting-in-the-sofa-yawning and then saying something or other. The more interaction there is – like getting feedback and then performing again based on that feedback – the better. It was something that really made it work; more interaction.»

This statement also offers some ideas about how the group lessons can be conducted, also when the teacher is present. Running a workshop can be very interesting, but at the same time it will require a certain framework in terms of organisation.

Neste Relationship between one-to-one lessons, group lessons and horn classes