Alexander Technique (AT) is taught at many conservatoires and music colleges, including the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH). It is offered at the NMH as an elective subject between October and February, involving five group sessions each lasting one hour as well as seven 30-minute individual sessions for each student.
AT provision can be organised in a number of ways. As far as music academies are concerned, it would be pertinent to ask whether the benefits of teaching AT to students would increase if it is somehow linked to teaching on their principal instruments. In autumn 2014 plans got underway for a project involving teaching AT to a select number of students and their teachers. The aim of the course was to establish a collaboration between the AT teacher, the students and their principal instrument teachers. The idea was that such teamwork would enhance the transfer of learning between AT teaching, instrumental lessons and individual practice.
The project ran from early January to mid-May 2015.