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“If you are sitting there staring out of the window, you are lacking concentration.” This remark was made by one of the students, and there is no doubt that concentration is a real issue for the students.

This project illustrated opportunities and problems associated with making written notes while practising in order to aid concentration. The students said they had become more aware of how to practise and more creative in respect of exploring different practice methods instead of always pursuing the same path.

The process has been of help with regard to being attentive while practising and not practising on autopilot.

These reactions date from one month after the project was completed. However, there is reason to ask which long-term effects the experiment has had, even if all three students claimed that they had learnt and taken on board a thing or two about concentration.

Although concentration during practice was the main theme of the project, issues such as planning the content of the practice session, allocating time to practice and breaks, evaluating the practice session and using notes were also touched upon.