On the concept of art - with Søren Kjørup

In the video below, philosopher Søren Kjørup talks about the concept of art:
About Søren Kjørup
Søren Kjørup is a Danish philosopher. Danish old-fashioned master's degree (corresponding to modern PhD) 1969 in philosophy (dissertation about A.G. Baumgarten) after studies at Copenhagen University and Freie Universität Berlin. Postdoc at Harvard University. Historical and theoretical publications on aesthetics, cinema, media, museology, philosophy, semiotics, and visual arts. Professor in the history and theory of the humanities at Roskilde University, Denmark (1972–2009); since 2000 in various periods attached as adjunct or full professor in the theory of artistic research to the Bergen Academy of the Arts, Norway, the Sint-Lucas Academy Bruxelles, Belgium, and the faculty of the arts at the University in Kristiansand, Norway.